Mr D’ALMEIDA, Chairman of Christian fellowship
Christian Fellowship started during the academic year 2002-2003 on the initiative of Kokouvi Mawulé d’Almeida of called brother Jules while he was completing his Second Certificate of Masters in English at University of Lomé. Deeply saddened for not having done much for the Lord before leaving the University of Lomé, brother Jules thought he could take up the challenge by influencing students of his department by holding youth success rallies coupled with exhortations and s preaching of God’s word.
The first of its kind took place in March 2003, bringing together nearly 150 students enrolled in the first and second years at the Department of English, University of Lomé. Practical advice was given to the attendees on the attitudes to adopt in order to succeed in each of their subjects. They were also exposed to sermons on that day. Great was the joy of these students because they said “before we just came to school, it is now that our eyes are open”. After this rally called SUCCESS 2003, Brother Jules succeeded in gathering around him some students of the English department, University of Lomé, with whom he shared his vision of winning this department for Christ. They were Edem Agbenowoduga, Komi Begedou, Evegnon Agbagla, and others.
The vision being espoused, they embarked on personal evangelism and in the morning preaching in the amphitheaters before the beginning of classes. It should be noted that in view of the large number of students and the lack of places in the amphitheaters, almost all the classes are packed before 6 am for courses which will start at 7 am. Thus for about 30 minutes, Christian Fellowhip brethren go to some amphitheater to preach the gospel to their classmates encouraging them give themselves to the Lord, to be born again, to flee from sin and to learn hard so as to be part of the best students with great academic achievement.
So the then “Christian Fellowship of English Department Students” was initiated informally in order to “win the English department of the University of Lomé for Christ” through morning devotions sermons in amphitheaters and monthly meetings every last Saturday of the month. Later in the year 2007, the group started weekly bible studies in English which was much appreciated by students who learned Christ and improved their level of language at the same time, because English was the only medium of communication. From 2009, following the criticism of students from the other departments of the University of Lomé, wanting to take advantage of what was being done, the leaders liberalized access to all students by introducing interpretation in French. The Christian Fellowship of English Department Students will become Christian Fellowship with the adherence of external students to the English department and secondary school students in. Currently, Christian Fellowship no longer discriminates and allow all young people in the Schools and Universities to enjoy the goodness of God. However, it continues to hold sessions in English for students of the Department of English.
With the Trip of Some members to Europe and US, Christian Fellowship is taking an international direction from the year 2016.